My little place on the interwebs

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Building a Lego Table – A Slight Design Change

Bought some timber from the concept drawings and had a quick play with the layout. I’ve redesigned with some subtle changes but the table should be a little more solid than before. The new design loses the 2-sided drawer look in favour for table top containers and a larger one where the drawers would have been. Everything else still pretty much the same. 2 x 3 container layout: 2 x 2 container layout:



Building a Lego Table – Construction

Timber from Bunnings cut to length:  Started to frame up the table top to attach the legs: First leg attached:  All done:  I’ve left some weights against the legs to straighten them up. The table is starting to take shape though. Next step is to putty the screw holes, sand and apply undercoat.



Asus Vivo Tab RT

I grabbed one of these on Friday and have had a little play over the weekend and thought I would blog my initial experience. I will separate the review into 2 parts - hardware and software. Hardware The Asus Vivo RT is similarly speced to the Surface RT. The main significant differences are really the keyboard dock, build quality and NFC. The keyboard dock that Asus include doubles as a second battery so when docked you get close to double battery capacity (untested).

